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Intelligent Ploughing Robot for Assisting Farmers Multiplier

M. Navaneethakrishnan, C. Pavithran, M. Satheesh, M. Yasar


The ploughing robot is used to plough the farm in the concentric pattern. The robot works using ATMEGA16 microcontroller. The ultrasonic sensor is used to sense the border of the farm and also to sense any objects and any other materials in the path of the robot while ploughing. This sensor is also used to detect the path of the robot to plough the farm in the desired pattern. Here three ultrasonic sensors are used where one is used to sense any objects and the other two are used to sense farm on the two sides of the robot. The motor driver circuit is used control the path of the robot. This circuit consists of relay, diode, transistor and resistor. Relay is used for switching purpose. Relay will be switched when there is a small change in the voltage difference. Transistor is used for producing a voltage difference in the relay so that the relay can be switched on. Resistor is connected to the base of the transistor to avoid the failure of transistor. 5v is given to the base of the transistor. Whenever the input is given the collector and emitter in the relay get shorted and the relay gets switch on. The centre pin of the relay acts as the output and is connected to the motor which is used to control the motion of the robot. The plougher is to plough the field and it is controlled by the motor where the plougher can be moved up or down.

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