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Automated pH Control of Water Distributed Systems

Rajeev Kumar, M.L. Dewal, Kalpan A Saini


Water makes up more than two thirds of the weight of the human body. The human brain is made up of 95% water, blood 82% and lungs 90%. Water is an important component to our physiology, so the quality of water should be just as the quantity. Drinking water should always be clean and free of contaminants to ensure proper health and wellness. Basically, the pH value determines whether water is hard or soft. In general, water with a pH < 6 could be acidic and corrosive. This contains metal ions such as copper, lead, zinc etc. There is health risks associated with these toxins. So it is tough to develop an automated water treatment system with the help of SCADA which will maintain the water pH value as 7.


SACDA, RS-Logix, RS-View32, Contaminants

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