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A Smart Approach to Condition Monitoring, Parameter Estimation and Execution of WECS Using PLC and SCADA Techniques

G. Ganesan, Dr.N.P. Subramanianan, V. Mohan, R. Anandaraj


This paper presents a parameter estimation of Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS) with turbine gearbox, which is an important mechanical component of wind turbine and the function is to pass the power which is generated by the wind wheel in the wind to the generator. The speed of wind wheel is usually very low, well short of the required generator speed, for this reason, its function must rely on the speed-raising effect by wind turbine, thus, it will also be called speed increasing gearbox. It is also one of the most important and most expensive components of wind turbine. Once installed, it is difficult to repair. Therefore, it needs effective experiments during its design and production to meet the strict quality requirements. The test platform adopts closure design, which enables it to experiment two gearbox products at the same time. The running condition and operating parameters in real time is proposed and executed through Programmable Logic Circuit (PLC) and SCADA technique. An estimated efficiency of 80% is constantly maintained by this scheme. It can also intelligently control each system of the entire test platform, which including lubrication system, loading system, frequency converter, motor and other equipment.


Wind Energy Conversion System (WECS), Condition Monitoring Systems (CMS), Programmable Logic Circuit (PLC), Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA).

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