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Universal Turing Machine Implementation

A. Maheshwari, M.A. Dorai Rangaswamy


Turing Machines are the most powerful computational machines. Turing machines are equivalent to algorithms, and are the theoretical basis for modern computers. Still it is a tedious task to create and maintain Turing Machines for all the problems. The Universal Turing Machine (UTM) or simply a universal machine is a solution to this problem. A UTM simulates any other TM, thus providing a single model and solution for all the computational problems. The creation of UTM is very tedious because of the underlying complexities. Also many of the existing tools do not support the creation of UTM which makes the task very difficult to accomplish. Hence a Universal Turing Machine is developed for the JFLAP latform. JFLAP is most successful and widely used tool for visualizing and simulating all types of automata.


CFG, Delta Rule, FSA, PDA, JFLAP, Transitions, UTM

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A. Maheshwari and Dr.M.A. Doraiswamy, “Implementation of Context Free Languages in Universal Turing Machines” in the CIIT International Journal of Automation and Autonomous System, April 2011. Print: ISSN 0974 – 9659 & Online: ISSN 0974 – 9551.


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