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Nutritional Assessment and Chemical Composition of Two Germplasm of Mucuna Monosperma DC. ex Wight

M. Pugalenthi, M.G. Mohideen Abdul Khader, G. Abhishek, K. Janardhanan


Two germplasm of the tribal pulse Mucuna
monosperma DC. ex Wight viz. Yellur, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu (Western Ghats) and Vaitheki falls, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu (Western Ghats) were analysed for proximate composition, mineral composition, amino acid composition, In vitro protein digestibility and fatty acid profiles of lipids. Crude proteins, crude lipids, ash, total dietary fibre and NFE constituted 23.10 - 23.45%, 4.36- 4.39%, 3.21- 3.80%, 8.9 - 9.21% and 59.53- 60.05%,respectively. The contents of essential amino acids are on par with FAO/WHO requirement pattern except sulphur containing amino
acids, leucine and lysine. The two germplasm also show high levels of unsaturated fatty acids comparable with other conventional pulses. So, this pulse deserves large scale cultivation as a proteinsupplement


Amino Acid Profiles, Fatty Acid Composition, Germplasm, In Vitro Protein Digestibility, Mineral Composition, Proximate Composition, Tribal Pulse, Western Ghats.

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