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Human-Computer Interface Technology

C. Praveen, P. Anbhazhagan


This paper discusses about the human computer interface(HCI) through body languages namely the hand gesture and facial expression, which can be used for intelligent space application such as smart home application, It is achieved by capturing human actions with the camera, processing meaning of the actions and then interfacing them with the computer process or applications.HCI modalities has been developed to allow human to interact naturally and intuitively with these intelligent space through non-verbal body-language modalities which include facial expressions, eye movement, hand gestures, body postures and walking style. This paper deals with how to interact with a computer using hand gesture and facial expressions.


Hand gesture, Hand posture, Facial expression, Anthropometric-Expression, Computer vision.

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Hand-Gesture and Facial-Expression Human-Computer Interfaces for Intelligent Space Applications Qing Chen1, Marius D. Cordea1, Emil M. Petriu1, Thomas E. Whalen2 Imre J. Rudas3, and Annamaria Varkonyi-Koczy4 1University of Ottawa, ON, Canada, 2CRC, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 3Budapest Tech Polytechnic Institution, Hungary, 4Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary.


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