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Encryption Algorithm Based on One Time Pad and DNA

B. Youssef, S. Khattab, T. AbdelMageed, N. Hamdy, S. ElGamal


Security of data is an important field of information technology. This paper proposes a new encryption algorithm, which is fast, simple, inexpensive, robust, and flexible. Our new encryption technique is based on the combination of the one-time-pad concept and DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid) gene banks. In our algorithm, the plaintext is first reduced as close as possible to its true entropy by feeding it into a good compression algorithm. The sender generates a 256-bit random number, R, and uses it as an index into an agreed-upon gene bank, which contains billions of DNA bases. As the one-time-pad, the sender then translates a sequence, K, of DNA bases starting from position R into binary string with a length that equals half the number of bits of the compressed plaintext CP. The cipher text is finally produced by XORing CP with the one-time-pad K. The receiver performs the reverse operation to get the plain text after receiving R from the sender over a secure channel (e.g., RSA-encrypted channel). We ran a suite of statistical tests and concluded that the outputs of our proposed algorithm were random, which means that a cryptanalyst must try exhaustive key search to break it.


Bioinformatics, Cryptography, DNA, One-Time Pad.

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