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Study of Several Pattern Recognition Methods in Image Processing Techniques in Diagnosis of Leukemia

Hairong Bau, Dr. Stephen Waithaka


Traditional identification approaches involved in medical diagnosis might be boosted with the help of utilizing computers. Clinical prognosis encompassed advanced and tough conclusion-developing approaches. Progression in automation of prognosis might deliver assistance to specialist doctors providing appropriate knowledge for considerable enhancement in providing treatment for the affected ones. Nevertheless, existence of challenges with respect to identification pertaining to certain ailments was observed especially cancer. Leukemia will be explained as cancer affecting the portion of blood cells. The bone marrow develops several white blood cells which is abnormal and distributed in the blood. Majorly it affects the children and teenagers. Major classification of disease which affects the kids will be: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) that disturbs lymphocytes or Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) that upsets blast cells. This paper reviewed a pattern recognition method employed in image processing techniques in detection of leukemia.


Cancer, Leukemia, Blood Cells, Lymphocytes, Pattern Recognition, Learning of Features, Prediction

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