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Lacunarity Indices as a Measure of Texture Images

R. Uthayakumar, G. Arockia Prabakar


Lacunarity is a counterpart to the fractal dimension that describes the texture of a fractal. Lacunarity is a measure of how the fractal fills space, if the fractal is dense, the Lacunarity is small, and the Lacunarity increases with coarseness.  The Lacunarity of a data set can be calculated by using a gliding box method. In this paper, we consider two dimensional maps and texture images for calculating the number of pixels in each r-sized box in a grid that was placed on a map or image is counted during standard non-overlapping or overlapping box counting. Lacunarity analysis is broadly applicable to many data sets used in the natural sciences. We illustrate its application to geological data.



Fractals, Lacunarity, Gliding Box Method, Texture

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