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Intelligent Manual Working Station through Assistive Systems

Miruthuladevi Miruthuladevi, G. Sangeetha


The succeeding digitization in industry emerges highly flexible value creation networks involving humans and machines. Digital systems become more advanced and allow a closer collaboration of humans, machines and IT systems. In order to met the requirements regarding a faster reaction to customer demands, individuality of products and the creation of new business models, manual work plays a decisive role and will continue to do so in the future. Different assistive systems for manual working stations have been developed in the last years. These systems support a human worker by visualizing and supervising the tasks. While some of these systems can already be found on the market and are used in industrial practice, most of them are research prototypes. This paper presents an overview over existing solutions and prototypes and discusses their specific application focus. Moreover, it compares these systems with each other and links them with requirements of an intelligent manual working station of future value creation networks.


Human-Machine Interface, Flexible Automation, Guidance System, Industry 4.0, SmartFactory

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