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Efficient Search over Encrypted Mobile Cloud Using TEES

T. Nagamani, T. Priyadharshini, P.T. Kiruthika


Cloud storage gives us huge amount of storage at a feasible cost. The major problem is there is no security for the data which is stored in the cloud [1]. The solution for this problem is the administrator should encrypt the file before it is stored in the cloud and after retrieving the file from the cloud the user should decrypt and use it. This increases work load for the computing and the communication as there is only particular bandwidth and battery life. Due to this issue the searching of the encrypt file will be difficult. So in this paper we introduce Traffic and Energy saving Encrypted Search (TEES) [2]. This system will use the bandwidth and the energy in a proper way and hence it decreases the workload of computing by 23 % to 46% and the consumption of energy by 35% to 55% for a file download. It also decreases the traffic in the network during the decrypted file download from the cloud.


Traffic and Energy saving Encryption Search, Boolean Search, Order Preserving Encryption, Authentication.

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