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Preventing Denial of Service Attack in Multicast Authentication

S. Geerthik, T.P. Anish


Multicasting is a technique in which the data is send from sender to multiple receivers .In this paper we discuss the different techniques used for multicast authentication. Here the method for authentication, the batch signature verification is discussed and shown that how it is better from block based approach and other conventional approaches. The main drawback of batch signature verification, the denial of service attack is taken into consideration and we propose a composite denial of service attack model in multicast batch signature verification schemes that combines bandwidth exhaustion, memory depletion models and filtering for representation of cyber attacks. On the basic of the introduced model, different experiments are done .The results shows the dependencies of influence of attacker and victim„s properties on the successful probability of DoS attack and the composite model can minimize the DoS attack level in multicast authentication . In future we can improve the efficiency of this method by combining more filtering mechanisms against DoS attacks.


Bandwidth Exhaustion, DoS Attack, Multicast, MABS, SYN FLOOD, TESLA

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