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Securing Information using Cryptography and Steganography Technique

V. Hemanth, Mahammad Shareef


Present day’s communication became the one of themajor criteria for a human being. While communication theinformation should be send in such a way that the third part or anunauthorized user should not be able to know what the parties arecommunicating. For this, Internet is the source of communication. InInternet the data will be transferred in covert channel. Here it will bedifficult to provide security for the channel, so the security isprovided for the information than the channel. Now the task is toprovide the security to the information. Cryptography andsteganography are the techniques used to convert the secretinformation into an unreadable format and this data can be embeddedinto an image respectively. By using only cryptography the intrudercan get back the original message if the key is known, to avoid this,by introducing Steganography over cryptography the secret messagecannot be straightforwardly decrypted because, the data is embeddinginto a cover image, Nemours techniques are available in which LeastSignificant Bit insertion is one of the best techniques because itproduces less noise in stego-image when compared to othertechniques. Using Diffie Hellman algorithm the data is encrypted


Steganography, Cryptography, Information Hiding,Least Significant Bit Insertion, Diffie Hellman, Pseudo Random Number generator (PRNG).

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