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Constrained Cluster Formation Using Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Promt Data Gathering in WSN

S. Dhivya  Lakshmi


In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), well-known problem is data gathering has been briefly analysed to overcome the latency and buffer overflow constraints. In fast changing environment, it is very difficult to gather the stored information from the sensor before the environment changes. Predicting the mobility pattern among the scattered sensors will take more time and it will increase the tour length of the mobile element. The ultimate aim the system is to find an optimal movement pattern/policy of the mobile element which has optimal tour length by accomplishing the objective. This system formulates and solves this problem using a novel Constrained Cluster Formation using Cuckoo Search Algorithm. After clustering process, the Modified-Fast Markov Decision Process (M-FMDP) framework is used to predict the mobility pattern among the Cluster-Head (CH) which performs Inter Cluster Communication to gather the data only from the CH, which overcomes the latency problem also reduces the tour length. Hence, the mobile element only visits the CH to gather the data.  In addition we focused on the security of vulnerable sensor nodes from the attacking sensor node using Intrusion Detection and Prevention System (IDPS).


Wireless Sensor Network, Data Gathering, Mobility Pattern, Markov Decision Process, Cluster, Cuckoo Search, Cluster-Head, Modified-Fast Markov Decision Process.

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