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Secure Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Network using Randomized Multipath Routes

K. Soundar Rajan


In wireless sensor network there are various possible security threats encountered during data delivery. They are Compromised node, Denial of service, Hello flood attack, Wormhole attack and Sybil attack. Here, we are combating against the first two attacks namely Compromised Node and Denial of service. These two attacks generate the black holes. The black holes are the areas within which the adversary can either passively intercept or actively block information delivery.  In existing system, Multipath Routing approaches are vulnerable to such attacks.  Because, once an attacker acquires the routing algorithm, he can compute the routes traversed by each packet and endanger all the information sent over these routes.

In proposed system, we develop the Randomized Multipath Routes that bypass the black holes formed by those two attacks. In this routing mechanism, the routes traversed by each packet change over time. So, even if the attacker acquires this mechanism, he cannot pinpoint the routes traversed by each packet. Also we use two cryptographic processes namely; encryption and decryption for secure data transmission.


Randomized Multi-Path Routing, Wireless Sensor Network, Secure Data Delivery

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