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Real Time Traffic Management through Agent based Modeling Cloud

G. Poornima, P.V. Subba Reddy


Today‘s world is moving on time management factor, where people concentrate on time rather to money. One of such factor is ‗Traffic‘, in the sense urban traffic management and control in order to mobilize autonomy and facilitate transport communication. If we consider the trend and view of traffic in this market i.e. cities like Belgium etc where people density is more, is so difficult to con-trol and manage, coming to India, it‘s also big burden for the Gov-ernment to control the traffic. Hence this paper tries to give emphasis on traffic management trough cloud as an effective, optimized and efficient solution for the traffic management. Hence of we consider cloud computing is the best technology to provide such effective solution. One of the cloud types is Software as a Service (SaaS) de-signed to process data feeds and roadway event information from traffic sources to help improve the transportation operational effi-ciency of a city or other complex infrastructure of transport commu-nication. This offering addresses the need for visibility into traffic performance, configuration, and incidents across a diverse set of traffic systems by using agents which we call as intelligent traffic agent. By providing a comprehensive and scalable platform for trans-portation management solutions, we can improve performance which helps to optimize throughput, expedite incident management and improve commuter experience across the entire transportation net-work of neural network. Increased situational awareness across an entire transportation network High-performance access to traffic event data, including both near-real-time and historical visibility of average speed, volume, and incident information Centralized man-agement of traffic operations and traffic event information collected across geographic locations.


TMS, SAAS, Intelligent Traffic Agent

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