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Proxy Based Buffer Overflow Attack Blocker

V. Ramya, R. Abinaya, G. Vinothini


All web servers that need to be guarded from buffer overflow attack must be registered with the proxy server, so that all user requests are directed towards proxy server, which in turn handles each request and processes the request using disassembling algorithm, if that request is found as legitimate request proxy server requests original web server else the request is blocked. This proxy server disassembles and extracts instruction sequences from a request, and then analyzes instruction sequences to find executable machine code. A machine code is a sequence of machine instructions in the form of hexadecimal executed by the machine in response to a service request. The proxy server is based on disassembling process. The BeaEngine is used for disassembling. The proxy server blocks the buffer overflow attack requests from reaching the web server.


Attack Model, Buffer Overflow, Experiments, System Design.

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