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A Review on Lack of Cohesion in Method

A. Antony Prakash, A. Aloysius


Cohesion is an important software attribute; it is one of the significant criterions for assessing object oriented software quality. Modules with high cohesion have a propensity to be preferable because high cohesion is associated with several desirable traits of software including robustness, reliability, reusability, and understandability while in the other case low cohesion is associated with undesirable traits such as being difficult to maintain, difficult to test, difficult to reuse, and even difficult to understand. This paper puts together the various techniques of lcom which has been proposed by various authors and this will give the overview about Lcom. This paper incorporates an assortment of aspects of lcom, which allows the reader to get a clear perspective on lcom. A selected choice of research articles were fused into this paper to facilitate the ease of a researcher searching for articles related to cohesion which in event makes the study of that researcher more competent.


Cognitive Science, Cohesion, LCOM, LCOM1, LCOM2, LCOM3, TCC.

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