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Analysis of Social Network Portal (SNP) – A Learners Perspective

P. Gunasundari, Dr. R. Thirumalai Selvi


The growth of Web 2.0 technologies has given a new ways of reaching the people with the help of social networks. It provides each individual to connect with the others depending on their interest. Every individuals are accessing Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,, Google+ for sharing their views and thoughts, day-to-day happenings with any one or more of the above sites. This paper give an idea of the how those sites are classified based on their size, data, research focus, design issues and the types of the sites, types of users and the common approaches on social networks which will help the researchers how the social networking websites structurally classified.


Academic Social Network; Facebook; Google+;Graph; Homophily network; Profile; Recommender System; Social Network portal; Social Network Analysis; Mobile SNS; Social Network Measures

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