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QSS: Question and Answer System Based on Social Networks for Non-Factual Queries

S. Sruthi, V.N. Rajavarman


Mobile Q&A systems, where mobile nodes access the Q&A systems through Internet, are very promising considering the rapid increase of mobile users and the convenience of practical use. However, such systems cannot directly use the previous centralized methods or broadcasting methods, which generate high cost of mobile Internet access, node overload, and high server bandwidth cost with the tremendous number of mobile users. Proposing a distributed Social-based mobile Q&A System (QSS) with low overhead and system cost as well as quick response to question askers. QSS enables mobile users to forward questions to potential answerers in their friend lists in a decentralized manner for a number of hops before resorting to the server. It leverages lightweight knowledge engineering techniques to accurately identify friends who are able to and willing to answer questions, thus reducing the search and computation costs of mobile nodes. It will give quick response for non-factual queries as well as colloquial languages


Centralized, Broadcasting, QsS, Non-Factual Queries, Colloquial

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