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A Survey on Attempts to Enhance Requirements Engineering Process

Hadeel E.Elsherbeiny, A. A. Abd El-Aziz, Nagy Ramadan


Requirements Engineering (RE) is a very critical phase in System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). There are several attempts to enhance the quality and performance of this phase and therefore enhancing the industry of producing software systems. Caring about the quality of software systems doesn’t mean just testing the product before deployment. Improving quality of software systems must begin from eliciting requirements from stakeholders to ensure that the right product is being developed. Any error in this phase will enforce to repeat the work which will cost a lot. Deficient requirements are the cause of many software systems failures. So many researches try to enhance the quality of RE and achieve stakeholders’ satisfaction.  In this paper, we review and provide some of these attempts. This survey will support the future research and development work as well as to raise the awareness for the presented approaches.


Requirements Engineering, Software Engineering, Information System, Software Development and SDLC

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