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Metric Framework: A Comprehensive Review

Ritu Chauhan, Rainu Nandal, Rachna Dhaka


Now days, large number of software measurement has been developed for software measures. Many metrics have been proposed related to various constructs like class, coupling, cohesion, inheritance, polymorphism and information hiding. Encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, reusability attributes can act as indicators to evaluate quality of object oriented system. The metrics are the well known quantifiable approach to express any attribute. But it is often difficult to determine in which area, which metrics is more useful. In this paper we tried to investigate framework of metrics representing the attributes of object oriented system. Data is collected from project based on object oriented paradigm to calculate metrics.


Attributes, Cohesion, Coupling, Inheritance, Information-Hiding, Object-Oriented Software, Polymorphism, Software Measurement, Software Metrics

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