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Application of Two Level Securities for Data by Combining Symmetric Key Encryption and Audio Steganography

Tarun Dhar Diwan, Aaqib Rshid, Vinay Sahu


In this paper, the proposed method hides the secret message based on searching about the identical bits between the secret messages and image pixels values. Many different carrier file formats can be used, but digital images are the most popular because of their frequency on the internet. For hiding secret information in images, there exists a large variety of steganography techniques some are more complex than others and all of them have respective strong and weak points The first to employ hidden communications techniques -with radio transmissions- were the armies, because of the strategic importance of secure communication and the need to conceal the source as much as possible. Nowadays, new constraints in using strong encryption for messages are added by international laws, so if two peers want to use it, they can resort in hiding the communication into casual looking data. This problem has become more and more important just in these days, with which around thirty of the major - with respect to technology - countries in the world methods are discussed and analyzed based on the ratio between the number of the identical and the non identical bits between the pixel color values and the secret message values This property is used for proposed image encryption and for steganography to increase the security level of the encoded image and to make it less visible.


Surveillance Information, Segmenting, Object Tracking, Significant Percentage, Auto-Calibration.

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Xinpeng Zhang ]ieee signal processing letters, VOL. 18, NO. 4, APRIL 2011 255 Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Image.

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