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An Analysis of Information Service Quality in African Countries

Michael Beer, J. Bruce Tracey


This paper was prepared to analyse the information service quality in the governmental department of african countries. This paper outlines the political imperative for improving the efficiency, effectiveness and governance of public services design and delivery through digitisation, as the three primary categories of political objectives, alongside the equally compelling imperative for innovative public service design and delivery, in framing the direction of transformation processes. The demographic composition in african countries is changing, modifying significantly the demand for services, and in many cases, the capacity to provide those services. Governments are facing increasing expectations from users to deliver more innovative and responsive services, while dealing with strong pressures to consolidate public finances to remain globally competitive and to spur growth. In other words, a systematic and consistent approach to achieving sustained public sector productivity improvements and more user-driven public services is required, particularly in the cost-intensive welfare service delivery areas.


Information Technology, Middle Managers, Reliability, Service Delivery, Data Security.

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