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Automated Behavioral & Acceptance Testing of Refactoring Engines

M. Sheela, C. RubyGnanaselvam


The behavior-preserving program transformation that develops the design of a program is defined as refactoring which is a very essential design technique. As we know that the refactoring engines are tools that computerize the function of refactoring. In general, Refactoring engines can contain bugs. The refactoring engine developers commonly implement refactoring in an ad hoc manner since no guidelines are available for evaluating the correctness of refactoring implementations. So to overcome this problem an automated Java program generator is developed that to be referred as JDOLLY and UDITA which are automatically searches for all possible combinations of Java constructs to generate programs. The refactoring under test is applied to each generated program to evaluate the correctness of these transformations also it classifies the failing transformations. However before major refactoring, acceptance tests had to be added to the system to ensure equivalent program behavior before and after the changes. Hence in proposed system additionally the new programs added and then refactoring tools will be automatically refactoring using existing tools, behavioral and acceptance testing is performed for both manual programs as well as new programs added. The advantage of our enhancement is that it reports significantly more true positives and significantly fewer false positives than the initial model along with system with requirements does not getting changed by refactoring. At last we evaluate the outcomes using the compliable program and automated compliable program with different refactoring practice. 


Refactoring, Testing, Refactoring Engines, JDOLLY and UDITA, Behavioral and Acceptance Testing, Test Oracle, Program Generation, Test Clustering.

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