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Analysis on Fractal Antennas at Microwave Frequencies

V. M. Unadkat, V.V. Dwivedi, A.M. Kothari


The rapid growth of wireless technologies has drawn new demands for integrated components including antennas. In recent wireless communication systems, wide bandwidth, multiband and low profile antennas which can be mounted on a flat surface, are in great demand for both commercial and military applications. Telecom operators are also demanding for the antennas, which are multiband or reconfigurable to other operating frequencies as and when needed. One of the promising solution for all these demands is fractal antenna. Fractals have self-similarity property, and are generally composed of many copies of themselves at different scales. These unique properties of fractals have been exploited in order to make a new type of multiband compact size of antenna designs. Fractal elements and arrays are also ideal candidates for use in reconfigurable systems. This paper gives insight of various geometries of fractal antennas that are available in the market, various researches that have been done on Sierpinski carpet and Sierpinski gasket antennas


Fractal, Types of Fractal, Fractal Geometry, Multiband, Bandwidth, Reflection Coefficient

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