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Intelligent Mobile Home Theft Monitoring System

J. Venkata Subramanian, A. Pandian, M. Manikandan


Monitoring system is repeatedly mentioned as one of
the main application areas for mobile computing. it is the application of mobile computing technologies for improving communication among moitoring place, home, industrial, organization, in this place using the application .As mobile devices have become part of our like
it can integrate more seamlessly to our everyday life. It enables the delivery of mobile video anytime, anywhere by means of mobile devices. it is paper proposed monitoring house by using web camera
and we are retrieving content from the web camera to mobile. Here we are using android os mobile .JMF is used for getting the attributes of video and the attributes should be adjustable depends on network speed. A media server is used to fetch that information from web camera, for that we have proposed RTP/RTSP streaming protocol this
protocol get the live video from camera to server and server to mobile. By this system we can monitor our house at any time.


Mobile Computing, RTP, JMF, Android.

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