Determining the Level of Basic Science Process Skills of Grade 11 Students
Science is a body of knowledge that is systematically acquired. It is done through processes and the minimum required skills are the basic science process skills. These skills are utilized to generate factual data. The study aimed to determine the level of science process skills from various strands of senior high school. The study employed descriptive comparative design. It was participated by 50 grade 11 students came from Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), General Academic Strand (GAS), Information and Communications Technology (ICT), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), and Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM). The study utilized a teacher made test consisting of 60 questions constituting six science process skills that are observing, classifying, measuring, communicating, inferring and predicting. There are ten questions allotted to each science process skill. The instrument was validated by experts in the field of science. The Cronbach’s alpha value is 0.925 which denotes that the teacher made test is reliable. The study used descriptive comparative design. About 50 students were utilized as respondents of the research. Mean and standard deviation were utilized to get the level of science process skills. Analysis of variance was used to get the differences on science process skills of students on various strands. The study revealed that level of science process skills falls on satisfactory level. It also revealed that there are significant differences on the level of science process skills of respondents when they were grouped according to strand. It is highly encouraged that lessons in science class must always target specific science process skills and it should be integrated across the disciplines.
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