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E-Health Initiative and Customer’s Expectation: Case Brunei

Mohammad Nabil Almunawar, Zaw Wint, Patrick Kim Cheng Low, Muhammad Anshari


This paper is to determine the dimension of e-health services in Brunei Darussalam (Brunei) from customers’ perspective. It is to identify, understand, analyze and evaluate public’s expectation on e-health in Brunei. A questionnaire was designed to gather quantitative and qualitative data to survey patients, patient’s family, and health practitioners at hospitals, clinics, or home care centers in Brunei starting from February to March, 2011. A 25-item Likert-type survey instrument was specifically developed for this study and administered to a sample of 366 patients. The data were analyzed to provide initial ideas and recommendation to policy makers on how to move forward with the e-health initiative as a mean to improve healthcare services. The survey revealed that there exists a high demand and expectation from people in Brunei to have better healthcare services accessible through an e-health system in order to improve health literacy as well as quality and efficiency of healthcare. Regardless of the limitations of the survey, the general public has responded with a great support for the capabilities of an e-health system listed from the questionnaires. The results of the survey provide a solid foundation for our on going research project to proceed further to develop a model of e-health and subsequently develop a system prototype that incorporate expectations from the people.


Brunei, E-Health, Healthcare Service, Customer Service.

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