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Voting System Using Digitized Personal Tag

E. S. Akshayaa, R. Muthusamy, C. Soundariya, C. Sivamani


The smart card based Electronic voting system is introduced to avoid abuse in voting procedure. E-Voting is done using face detection and recognition system as an authentication technique in online voting. As   e-voting through online is not possible for illiterate people, this project set up a smart card with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). The RFID tag contains Name, Date of birth, Address, Gender, Photo, PAN card number, driving license number, Aadhar card number, Voter ID number and Passport Number. The card is read using RFID reader where camera opens and captures the image of the person. The image is checked out with the database provided in RFID Tag. If the sensed image coincides with the image in the database, then the person is authorized to cast the vote. If it flops, the user cannot forecast their vote. A person after enrolling vote and tries to vote once again is block out when the camera captures image.


Raspberry Pi, Smart Card, RFID, RF Tag, Weber’s Law

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