A Novel Control Strategy on Stand Alone PV System
We know that the energy demands are increasing day by day. And we are also aware of the fact that conventional sources would not be sufficient to meet the increasing energy demands and would get exhausted in upcoming years. Thus, now we are focusing on two strategies, i.e., firstly we aim at conservation of energy and secondly, we are focusing more on renewable sources of energy. Our project is based on this fact only, i.e., use of renewable sources of energy. The main features of our project are PV generator, wind generator, fuel cell and a backup unit. We know that the power produced by PV and wind generator are not enough and hence the output of PV and wind generator are boosted using boost converter. Moreover, we are using an MPPT so that maximum power can be obtained from PV cell. Fuel cell is another important part of our proposed system. The main reason behind using the fuel cell is that the weather may not be favorable all the time. In such conditions, fuel cell would be adequate to supply the load as the main concept of fuel cell is that it stores the chemical energy and converts this chemical into electrical energy.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.36039/AA062015007.
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