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Digital Slate for School Children

Himanshu Ranjan, Tapan Kumar Mahana, Pawan Kumar Mahto, Munan Kumar Sharma, Piyosh Kumar, Dr.V. Ganesan


Our project is about to present a slate which is fully digitalized, it will be useful for school children so that we can monitor students practice level of respective subjects, that will helpful for parents also. This method will be useful to monitor the progress of students and also gives a clear examination of children level, and it also access the learning speed of the student, by a gentle touch basic practice of learning can be serve .That may also increase the discipline and grasping power of the children. It will also increase the interest towards the study. This project works on the embedded system that involves Mini2440 arm microprocessor and PIC16F73 microcontroller. So many languages can also be used; it is low power consumption device


Micro Controllers (16F73), Touchscreen, MMC Card, GLCD, LED Indicator.

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