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A Smart Approach for Bimodal Biometric Authentication in Home-Exams (SABBAH Model)

Yousef W. Sabbah, Imane A. Saroit, Amira M. Kotb


This paper presents a secure and smart model for
summative e-assessment, where exams can be conducted distantly,e.g. at home. This model aims to provide e-learning systems with an authentication approach that guarantees minimum cheating in summative e-assessment. It utilizes a combination of automatic video matching and continuous bimodal biometric authentication using fingerprint and keystroke dynamics. This ensures that the examinee is
the correct person on the other side throughout the e-examinationwithout a need for a proctor. It is based on one of the open source elearningand content management systems. Moreover, it employs amedia server, a suitable media encoder, and the necessaryapplication programming interfaces (APIs). Finally, its implementation requires
advanced algorithms of video matching and feature extraction.


Authentication, Biometric, e-Assessment, Security

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