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Ciphering and Coding Combined Technique for Secure Image Transmission over Wireless Channel

Noha Ramadan, HossamEldin H. Ahmed, Said E. Elkhamy, Fathi E. Abd El-Samie


Nowadays, the security of image transmission over wireless channels have been of major interest for several researchers. However , most of the image encryption schemes do not consider the effect of bit errors occurring during wireless transmission. These errors are due to the transmission factors that affect the information such as noise and multipath fading. These factors are considered as a problem that should be handled by an efficient coding scheme. In this paper, low-density parity-check (LDPC) coding technique is used with the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm for efficient image communication. The DES in Cipher-Block Chaining (CBC) mode is utilized to improve data security. Furthermore, LDPC coding is utilized for error correction in order to solve the limitations of wireless channels. Simulation results show this combination of DES encryption with LDPC coding improves the reliability of the wireless channel.


AWGN, Error Correction Code, Image Encryption, Image Transmission.

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