An Efficient Crowd Behavior Recognition using Motion Patterns for Intelligent Video Surveillance
An automated visual monitoring process expands from low level analysis of object detection and tracking to the interpretation of their behaviors. Analyzing human crowd is an emerging trend in intelligent video surveillance for the purpose of detecting abnormalities. Tracking every human being in a crowd and analyzing their behavior is a challenging task due to occlusions. Hence, the crowd can be handled as a group entity instead of tracking the individual in the crowd. The behavior of the crowd can be distinguished with motion patterns due to prominent spatio-temporal characteristics. The proposed system involves a systematic approach to recognize the global events in human crowd through observing motion patterns such as flow, speed and direction. Initially as a preprocessing step, background subtraction is performed to extract the foreground blobs and optical flow is estimated to obtain the velocity and direction of motion. The human crowds are then clustered based on similar direction and proximity using Adjacency Matrix based Clustering (AMC). After clustering, the centroid and orientation of the cluster are extracted inorder to represent the behavior of crowd. Finally the multiclass Support Vector Machine (SVM) is trained to correctly recognize the behavior of crowd.
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