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Heart Rate Variability in Adult Obese Individuals

Archana Damodaran, Balasubramanian Kabali, Krishnan Muralikrishnan, Sathya Palaniswamy, Suresh Chander Kapali


Obesity, an evolving metabolic disease, has becomeone of the common risk factors for ailments like Hypertension,Diabetes Mellitus and Myocardial Infarction. Autonomic imbalance isone of the pathways to such increased morbidity and mortality. HeartRate Variability (HRV) analysis is a non invasive research tool toassess the cardiovascular autonomic function. Although manymethods are there to study the relationship between obesity andautonomic function, HRV plays an easy, simple, noninvasive andeffective method to study. We attempted to study the cardiovascularautonomic function in obese individuals using HRV as a measure ofindex. Heart Rate Variability analysis at supine rest in obeseindividuals were compared with age and gender matched non-obeseECG (Lead II) was acquired for 5 minutes at supine position withnormal breath rate of 12-16/min and instantaneous RR intervals wereanalysed using Finland software for HRV. Both time and frequencydomain measures were taken for analysis. Obese individuals found tohave sympathovagal imbalance characterized by depressedparasympathetic tone and increased sympathetic activity.


Body Mass Index, Heart Rate Variability, Obesity, Sympathovagal Balance

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