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Designing of a Virtual System with Fingerprint Security by Considering Security Threats

Kalpana Saini, M.L. Dewal, Rajeev Kumar


We have taken Biometrics i.e. fingerprint for this purpose which is the most reliable security tool for security of the system Fingerprint recognition has long been favored among many biometric identification technologies due to its uniqueness and permanence. Nowadays, fingerprint recognition is considered to be the best choice for most applications from network security systems to compact devices, due to its accuracy, speed, reliability, non-intrusive interfaces, and cost-effectiveness. We have made a fingerprint matching system using MATLAB. After collecting the database we provide a security to a virtual process that has been designed in LABVIEW and make an efficient HMI. The fingerprint recognition system may suffer attacks at different points during the authentication process. Sometimes the fingerprints gives 100% matching but it may be false fingerprint. The most common attacks occur by the use of fake fingerprint during the capture of image. The transmission channel between the feature extractor and matching may also be intercepted and the fingerprint feature may be stored for the later use. The main problem relies on how to differentiate a live finger from that one made of some synthetic material. In This Paper we discuss the all such type of attacks as well as some other interesting and other topics related to fingerprints like these may be damage or stolen by some person and effect of illness to them. This paper gives an approach to remove such type of attacks by using a virtual system. Along with this virtual system some aspects related to secure fingerprint is also be considered in this paper.


Authentication, Biometrics, Fingerprint recognition, HMI.

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