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Categorization of Video using Viola Jones and Fisher’s Linear Discriminant Function

Shoba Rani, D. Syed  Ali


A large amount of single-shot, short videos are created by using personal camcorder in day-to-day life. Many videos are kept in a video pool and merged into a single video. Categorization is done based on transition clues like objects or human beings. For categorization process frame-by-frame search is made on videos in a video pool. Frames are extracted from Video using Viola Jones algorithm. In each frame, complete object is extracted.  Features are extracted from the remaining portion of object using Fisher’s Linear Discriminant function. The features are extracted from objects is considered as a pattern. If 20 frames belonging to a video are considered, then 20 patterns are created. This proposed system is mainly used for separating human beings and objects.


Categorization, Integral Image, HAAR Detector, Viola Jones Method, Fisher’s Linear Discriminant Function

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