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Face Recognition with Improved PCA Method Using Different Databases

JatinGarg JatinGarg, Neelu Jain


Face recognition has been a demanding research topic during recent decades that includes different areas of research of image processing. There is an important role of human face recognition in applications such as video surveillance, human computer interface, and face image database management. In this paper, improved Principal Component Analysis (PCA) recognition method has been implemented for face recognition. The PCA recognition method has been applied on different databases (ORL and Cropped YALE database).A comparative analysis of PCA algorithms with ORL Face Database and YALE Face Database has been done and it was found that the recognition rate with ORL Face Database is better than Cropped YALE Face Database.


Face Recognition, Eigen Faces, Principal Component Analysis, ORL Face Database, Cropped YALE Face Database.

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The ORL Database of Faces, Available:

The Yale database, Available:


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