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ECG Based Personal Identification through SPRT

P. Sasikala, Dr. R. S. D. Wahidabanu


Protection anxiety is to be increased as the technology for forgery grows. Reliable personal identification and prevention of fake identities is one of the major tasks. Nowadays, Biometrics is being used extensively for the purpose of safety measures. Biometric recognition provides strong security by identifying an individual based on the feature vector(s) derived from their physiological and/or behavioral characteristics. It has been proved that the human Electrocardiogram (ECG) shows sufficiently unique patterns for biometric recognition. Individual can be identified once ECG signature is formulated. This paper presents a systematic sequential probability analysis for human identification from ECG data. This work establishes that the ECG signal is a signature like fingerprint, retinal signature for any individual Identification. Samples of individuals from the MIT/BIH database were taken. Preliminary experimental results indicate that the system is accurate and robust and achieves a good result for identification process.


Biometric, Electrocardiogram (ECG), QRS Complex, Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT).

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