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Histogram Based Comparative Analysis of LBP and Improved LBP Based Texture Extraction of Mammogram

D. Narain Ponraj, Dr.P. Poongodi, Sweety Kunjachan, Litty Maria Joy


Texture is an important characteristic for the analysis of many types of images and for the detection of false positives. The aim of this paper is to analyze the histogram comparisons of LBP and ILBP methods which are used for the textural extraction of a mammogram. In local binary pattern method the thresholding is done with the center pixel. In some applications, the center pixel contains more information than any other pixel. This limitation is reduced in the improved local binary pattern. It incorporates the information of the center pixel, by thresholding all the pixels with their median. A Histogram is a graphical representation showing a visual impression of the distribution of data. Because the information contained in the graph is a representation of pixel distribution as a function of tonal variation, image histograms can be analyzed for peaks and/or valleys which can then be used to determine a threshold value. The Histogram analysis shows that the improved local binary pattern contains more pixel count than the other one. So it can extract large amount of information.


Mammogram, Thresholding, Benign, Malignant.

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