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Monitoring Growth of Wheat Crop using Digital Image Processing

Anil Kakran, Rita Mahajan


Automation is need of future and automation in farming is necessary as there is acute storage of both fertile land and skilled farmer. Judging the need of crop is quite difficult as the demand of nutrients changes with age of crop. The growth of a wheat plant is measured in stages. Understanding the stages of growth is important to help farmers optimize the yield. The optimum timing of fertilizer, irrigation, herbicide, insecticide, and fungicide applications are also best determined by crop growth stage rather than calendar date. This work provide a solution to finding the age of wheat crop, once the age of crop is found farmer can take precious and calculated step to enhance their production of wheat or other agricultural product. Colour processing feature of Digital Image Processing is used for finding the age of wheat crop. RGB and HSI colour models utilized in examining wheat crop.


Digital Image Processing, Colour Processing, RGB, HIS

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