The Switching Fractional Order Chaotic System and Image Encryption and Decryption
Secure communication is the one of the main issue we are facing in this modern technology. Fractional order chaotic system has implemented for secure communication, however switching fractional order chaotic system has been not implemented for image encryption yet. So in this project we implemented image encryption by using new fractional chaotic system. It consists of fractional order chen system and other two fractional chaotic system. So for secure communication image has been encrypted using exclusive or Xor algorithm in this project. Secret key will be generated in different manner for each encryption randomly. This encryption technique increase the randomness and improve the speed of encryption.
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The Switching Fractional Order Chaotic System and Its Application to Image Encryption JialinHou, Rui Xi, Ping Liu, and Tianliang Liu VOL. 4, NO. 2, APRIL 2017 381
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