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Survey on Digital Image Inpainting

Renju Mohan, Muneebah mdhyiddeen


Image Inpainting is an art restoration of images that might be damaged due to several reasons. In addition to this it performs removal of unwanted objects in the image. Inpainting techniques utilises the structure and texture of the image. Filling in of the missing date in image Inpainting is done using the information from nearby pixels of known region. Inpainting changes the damaged portion of the image such that the inpainted region cannot be detected by normal eyes. A few approaches in image Inpainting implemented so far are presented in our work. Minimum Inpainting time and high quality transformation are the key features to be followed by the Inpainting techniques. A comparative study of these techniques has been done and suggested the finest Inpainting technique.


Inpainting, Structure-Texture: Synthesis, Inpainting Techniques.

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