A Comprehensive Review of Aspect Identification and Sentiment Classification Techniques for Users Reviews
Nowadays Merchants sell their products to the customers using online websites and also ask their customers to give their reviews about the purchased product. As e-commerce is becoming more popular, the reviews for the product are also increasing more rapidly. If a product is popular and good, there will be hundreds of reviews for that particular product. So it makes difficulty for the customers to read all the opinions in the reviews and abstract the most important opinions. It is also difficult for the manufacturer to manage and view all the customer reviews. The reviews which are given by the users are unorganized. And also it is inefficient for the customers to read all the opinions of the users to identify the important aspects. A single product may have several aspects. Some aspects for a particular product play a major role in deciding about the whole product, and they also depict the whole product. Identification of the important aspects becomes as an essential one, so customers can concentrate on that aspect and easily buy that product without any confusion. The aspects which play an important role in the reviews should be abstracted and then it should be classified to identify whether it is a positive or negative opinion by the customer. This paper explains about the various techniques and their description, to identify the important aspects for a product and to classify them.
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