Fast and Secure Web Service Transaction Based On Improved Public Key Crypto System
A web service is any service that is available over the Internet that uses a standardized XML messaging system which is not tied to any operating system or programming language. Web Service Security deals with quality of protection through message integrity, message confidentiality, and single message authentication. In that the well known term called WS-Security (Web Services Security) is a specification that protects SOAP messages to ensure end-to-endsecurity. To develop a secure and time effective public key cryptosystem, web services use SOAP message withMONTGOMERY’S method to improve the encryption speed enormously. Earlier RSA was chosen as a secure public key cryptosystem which has been tied up with the SOAP message communication. But the security of the RSA enabled SOAP messaging system is based on the size of the RSA key which is purely determined by the security algorithm we enforce. As the key size increases the security of the system also increases, at the same time increase in key size causes more computation time in spite of key determination. In order to speedup these encryption and decryption processes the new technique called Montgomery’s which performs modular multiplication and modular exponentiation and thereby improves the RSA computation much better than the usual method of computation. As an experiment we have implemented the algorithm in C#.NET and applied this algorithm over ASP.NET web service for E-Learning domain and observed that the performance of the proposed algorithm executes relatively faster than the traditional RSA algorithm.
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