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Discovery of Semantic Web Services Using Intelligent Predictions for Business Applications

M. R. Sumalatha, P. Gowrishankar, B. Balamurali, R. Jayakandan


In the internet, web services are frequently used to perform a variety of task across several domains. The real problem with web services is finding out the service which suits to the user’s needs and expectations. In traditional methods, deployment of web services using WSDL contextual information is not being given much importance. In the centralised web service, the context information of the user is used to list out the appropriate asset management services for business solutions. The web services have registered their service descriptions and these descriptions are being represented in OWL format. RSS feeds are used to analyze the current share market scenario and with the help of the past set of RSS information available, a prediction of the profitable asset management services are being structured and listed to the user. The user’s contextual information helps in analyzing the user behaviour and hence a service is provided based on the user profile.


Ontology, personalization, web services, RSS, Semantic description, mapping ontologies, event prediction, and service filtration.

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