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A Systematic Framework for Analyzing Audit Data and Constructing Network ID Models

G. Mohammed Nazer, Dr. A. Arul Lawrence Selvakumar


Intrusion detection system (IDSs) plays a vital role in
the infrastructure protection mechanisms and these systems have to be accurate, adaptive and extensible. As the requirements and the
complexities of today‟s network environment is becoming more and more, we need a more adaptive framework and automated IDS
development process. This article describes a systematic data mining framework for constructing intrusion detection models. We propose to use the association rules and frequent episodes collected from audit
data and to use these as basis for guiding the audit data gathering and feature selection processes. Our experiments on DARPA training audit data of network transmission activities showed that classification
models can detect intrusions automatically in a more accurate way. We modify the two basic algorithms to use axis attribute(s) and variable
attribute(s) to compute the relevant patterns. We use meta-learning as a mechanism to make IDs models more effective and adaptive. We report our experiment‟s results in using our framework on real-world audit data.


Intrusion Detection, Classification, Audit Data, Association Rules, Frequent Episodes.

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