Vulnerability Management in Web Applications
Web applications consist of several different and interacting technologies. These interactions between different technologies can cause vast security problems. As organizations are taking their businesses online they make their systems accessible to the world. They might have a firewall in place and possibly even their web server is running an up-to-date version of its software but that is not enough to protect their resources. Web applications become integral part in our day today life. Recent studies proves that more than fifty percent of the cost of software development is expend towards for testing, even though the software web applications is not free from its critical issues. Vulnerabilities provides more critical outcome in web applications instead in various researches have been involved with major impact of vulnerabilities. Recently the web applications are tested with minimal parameters. The main objective of proposed work is to reduce the time consumption and high cost for software testing. And in this paper we also tell about other possible vulnerabilities and their control measures. Using static analysis the critical vulnerabilities are analyzed where the issues are arising in web applications. The critical vulnerabilities such as handling catch block, encrypted password, execution failure in exception handling and redirecting the values of parameter. Depends on the severity of the issues the vulnerabilities are classified with the solutions.
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