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A Telemonitoring System for Space using IoT

J. Priya, D. Gayathri


A telemetry services over the Inter- net allow physiotherapists to engage in remote consultation with patients at their remote area, improving the quality of care and reducing costs. Traditional visual approaches, such as webcams and videophones, are limited in terms of precision of assessment and support for assistance with exercises. In this paper, we present a Telemonitoring System (TMS) that enhances video interaction with IoT technology to monitor the position of the body of patients in space and provide smart data to physiotherapists and users. We give an overview of the architecture of the TMS and evaluate (i) its usability based on a number of interviews and focus groups with stakeholders, and its technical efficiency based on a series of measurements. From this evaluation, we derive a number of challenges for further improvement of the TMS and outline a possible solution based on a microservices architecture.


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